He came back, and we were riveted to our seats. That’s right, author Michael Bishop returned to John Overton High School. He judiciously enhanced our knowledge relating to the tragic 1964 murder of nineteen-year-old Overton alumni, Paula Herring. He presented pictures of Paula, her family, and the Nashville climate of 1962-1964 including Mayor Beverly Briley showing off Nashville’s new Metro Police cars. Mr. Bishop also answered our questions, signed our books, and impressed us all with his knowledge and professionalism.
In addition to engaging the respected speaker, Your Alumni Association shared information about how the Overton alumni are serving the current students of Overton through scholarships, STEM endeavors, and sports needs. Everyone there helped to enhance these lofty efforts by making donations for tickets or by generously making additional donations. The JOHS alumni are proving their Bobcat Spirit by answering a worthy call indeed!